Mystic Again   1 comment

Photo by Flash Dantz on
Photo by Johannes Plenio on

Remember when you were a kid and felt one with the forest and the flowers? Maybe there was a reason for that. Maybe that was the truth, and you just got distracted or deceived.

And why you lost that? For me, depression blocked that door for years. It kept me flat and surviving. There was no room in my view for anything beyond what the present world had to offer and what it demanded of me.

And there were many other things that prevented me from experiencing reality as pregnant with meaning, alive with possibility, and numinous and redolent of the inscrutable extraordinary.

The narrative of our culture?

The depersonalizing of human beings?

The driving force of getting things done?

The stated focus on technical and practical skills which society demands?

The lack of time to exist within the world outdoors?

The overpowering siren song of the next tap of the screen that I hold in my hand?

The seemingly unavoidable demands of the next task on the list?

In a word–yes.

But when those bonds crack open, what is still there and what is available for me to freely enjoy? The world is there, at every level, alive, full of beauty and power and mystery. I’m still able to walk into a forest and know that all around me the community of trees are sustaining and supporting each other. The wondrous energy flowing through the xylem and phloem in the trunks around me beats on. The life force powering the ant civilization below me is real and living. The expanse of the heavens above me, the Milky Way spilling across the sky above me, is resplendent.

My thriving on this planet and my joy in the creatures around me is an astonishing thing, and it’s real. My ability to comprehend the nature of the forces and reactions that scientists define as physics and chemistry is limited, in the same way that it is impossible for me to remember all the different families of living creatures. That inability, however, doesn’t inhibit my connection with the living world and my willing accession to the truth that it–is–good. And I am one with it because that is who I was made to be.

Posted July 29, 2022 by swanatbagend in reflections

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One response to “Mystic Again

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  1. This was particularly beautiful to me:
    ” The world is there, at every level, alive, full of beauty and power and mystery. I’m still able to walk into a forest and know that all around me the community of trees are sustaining and supporting each other. The wondrous energy flowing through the xylem and phloem in the trunks around me beats on. The life force powering the ant civilization below me is real and living. The expanse of the heavens above me, the Milky Way spilling across the sky above me, is resplendent.”

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