Archive for April 2024

Thoughts for Resurrection Sunday   Leave a comment

Photo by Gerd Altmann on

What is it that you really want? And what does this Sunday have to do with the answer to that question?

Success, money, fame, family happiness, career enjoyment, good health and fitness into your 80s, three different vacation houses or maybe just one, or even spending time with friends and seeing your grandchildren, which is it?

There are many good gifts in the world that I really want. Many of the desires I listed are good things that most people want.

And no wonder; why would we not want those blessings and benefits in this life?

But as time went by, I began to see that these things were unattainable. Or I got them, but only for a while. Or I got them, and they were way more complicated and much more work than I thought they would be. Or I got them, but they didn’t do for me what I thought they would. Or I got them, I got to the place of emotional and physical and mental wellness I was working toward…but then another thing went haywire and I felt like I was back to square one. Where was the satisfaction of getting things done and completing my to-do list? I never finished it, ever.

These goals and dreams never gave me what they promised. Ever.

Jesus, however, does.

He promised life more abundantly, this in the midst of the loss of the world, and in the midst of your mess. He gives life more abundantly. He cares about your heart; what you care about is what he cares about. He is the man of sorrows; what crushes you crushes him.

Yes, there is one obstacle to his abundant life. Just one, but it is a mountain to most people, like it was to me.

You must acknowledge that you aren’t right. You aren’t what you intended to be when you started out all those years ago. You aren’t what you were meant to be! You have done cruel and thoughtless things, or perhaps you have been the good one. You haven’t done anything wrong, but wrong things have been done to you. You want justice, and you want it on your own terms. You may not want to admit that God is the one to whom vengeance belongs. And he’s the one who made and knows the ends of the earth, and the ends of the universe. And you. You were never meant to fight through all this alone! You were made for him. So…look at him and admit it.

Now, when you have been blown to the winds, are dust and know that nothing will ever be right again, he is still the faithful one, and he promises to make all things new.

It might take you almost 40 years to experience the fullness of life and joy he offers, but he will take you there, and then you’ll see. You’ll see that what you needed all the time was exactly what he gives. You’ll be free of death, free of fear and free of bondage. You’ll be free of all the lies which held you captive, and free of the endless longing for something that you can’t get.

If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. You will have him, and you will have all things.

This is the truth of Resurrection Day, my friends, and it is for you.

Photo by Sachin C Nair on